Cathology The study of Catholicism. The theological interputations of the Catholic Church. Most prodistant Christians refer to the theology of the Catholic Church as Cathology. What does the word chatology mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word chatology in our free online dictionary! Chatology helps you find exactly what you're looking for without frustration. Chatology understands chats from all the favorite services you already use with Messages, such as iMessage, Google Talk, and Jabber. Filter by images and links Chatology lets you filter images or links from your messages quickly and easily. Chatology A New Service In St. Cloud To Talk About Your Problems. Do you ever just need someone to talk to when life gets you down? A new non-profit service in St. Cloud may be able to help.

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The problems the church faces and seeks to comfort and heal are not only challenging, but are also as varied as the church is diverse. A one-size-fits-all approach has proven ineffective. Complex problems require a comprehensive approach to solving them. In realization of that, CHAT YOUniversity, a ministry of Beehive International, was born. CHAT YOUniversity offers a web-based, learning experience contained in one place that speaks to the multi-faceted issues of the world, equipping those who have a passion for community health to minister to the array of problems plaguing our world. We offer not only online study, but also CHAT Applied, a one-week, in-person class.
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At CHAT YOUniversity we approach learning with a unique teaching discipline called CHATology. What is CHATOLOGY? It is Christ’s strategic method of using physical realities in nature to explain spiritual truths and implant deeper principles in people’s hearts. It is a golden thread that is woven in all our courses, helping individuals to not only learn the subject matter, but more importantly, to also come into contact with Christ Himself. It is the goal of all education that we might know God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.