Spotlight Evernote
- Evernote Spotlight Quit Unexpectedly Mac
- Evernote Spotlight Quit Unexpectedly
- Spotlight Events Dance
- Evernote Spotlight Search
Evernote expert Stacey Harmon tours us through 10 Hacks and Tips to get us utilising Evernote in the best manner ready for 2020.
You can either watch the video below or read our blog post recap, full of useful links to improve your Evernote experience.
Everyone needs a capable note-taking app to keep things organized. Evernote is the oldest note-taking software out there. The majority uses the software as file-cabinet to keep notes, documents.

đź“ş Top 10 Hacks and Tips
Evernote uses cookies to enable the Evernote service and to improve your experience with us. To learn more, check out our cookie policy. By clicking OK or continuing to use our site, you agree that we can place these cookies. This should show all the current Spotlight indexers. You should have only one indexer for Evernote. And that should be the one residing in the application bundle. In my case, there were two: one in the application and one in /Library/Spotlight. If you have more than one Evernote indexer, delete all except the one in the application bundle.
Evernote Spotlight Quit Unexpectedly Mac
Use the full-featured Evernote desktop app to organize your data and use mobile apps to quickly capture new things. You can download them here.
Create an inbox notebook and set it as your default notebook.
Use your default notebook as a processing station for the information you collect, don’t let them accumulate there.
Organize your notes using notebooks, instead of tags. Notebooks can be shared, while tags can’t and don’t work the same way across devices. Related: Why Michael Hyatt is Wrong about Organizing Evernote with Tags
Use naming conventions for your note titles and prep them for search success. Related: Evernote in the Wild: Search & Work Remote
Use the Evernote advanced search parameters. For example, typing intitle: before a keyword will restrict your search to the title of your notes. Related: 5 Evernote Shortcuts I Use Every Day
Get familiar with note links to create structure and navigate between different parts of your system.
Use the Web Clipper to capture web pages and bookmarks. You can download it here.
Create notes even from outside Evernote using:
The unique email address associated with your Premium Evernote account.
The Scannable app for iOS
The built-in Evernote’s camera available on all mobile apps.
Learn keyboard shortcuts to improve your Evernote desktop experience. Related: 5 Evernote Shortcuts I Use Every Day
Evernote is a note taking and archiving app that’s designed to help you keep track of everything from meeting notes to travel plans.Available on all major platforms across desktop and mobile, Evernote can also be installed on web browsers by default or with a plugin. Evernote offers a built-in system that keeps everything they need in one place so they don’t have to worry about a growing amount of lost, mixed up, or crumpled papers as the year progresses. In order to be most efficient, students need to know where to access the information needed to do the work, and Evernote makes this process almost.
Bonus tip: use the table of contents feature to build a roster of notes and use the non-dated reminder feature to pin it at the top of your notebook. Related: Mastering Evernote: Your Complete Guide to Note Link Nirvana
Additional Resources
Stacey’s website
Stacey’s Free Guide: The Top 6 Tips to Getting the Most Out of Evernote
Tools They Use #56: Total Evernote Use & Lessons from the GTD method with Stacey Harmon
Is Spotlight broken? Can't find the app, document, or photo you want using Spotlight on your Mac? You can fix it in 5 seconds using Terminal.
If you're using Spotlight on Mac (Command
+ Spacebar
) to quickly open an app, document, or photo—and it doesn't work—you may need to re-index Spotlight. Use this guide to fix Spotlight using Terminal on your Mac (plus a pro Spotlight tip). The solution works on any macOS version (tested on macOS High Sierra).

How to Fix Spotlight Search on macOS High Sierra with Terminal
Terminal is another way to control your Mac, and if you've never used it before, don't worry, this is a safe command to run (even if you have no idea what you're doing).
Open the Terminal app from your 'Applications' folder
Open the 'Utilities' folder and launch 'Terminal'
Copy and paste this command and press enter:
command will 'Erase and rebuild index'—which is exactly what you want to do to fix the problem./
means to start at your hard drives root directory, which will make it re-index everything on your hard drive. Flash cs3 for mac free download.Other guides might have you try to delete the Spotlight files, which I think is unnecessary, and a huge risk if you're new to the command line tools (i.e.: Terminal).
Warning: Do not type any command with the
keyword (remove) and-rf
options (recursive force: i.e.: no confirmation . . . goodbye files!), unless you know what you're doing. You can accidentally delete your entire hard drive, as this command is not safe!Type your password, and let it run. Give your Mac 15-30 seconds to start re-indexing all your files, apps, and images.
Try searching for 'Safari' with Spotlight (
Note: You may have to wait longer your entire hard drive (and all the files) to be indexed, but apps should be indexed pretty quickly.
Evernote Spotlight Quit Unexpectedly
Symptoms of a Corrupt Spotlight on Mac
The telltale sign of a corrupt Spotlight is when you try to search for an app you use frequently using Spotlight, and it's not the first result (it might not even be in the list!).
Numerous times I'll try to open an app like TextMate, Evernote, or even Terminal, and the search results only show web pages, documents, and no apps.
Since I use my keyboard to launch apps quickly, this is a huge decrease in my productivity. The workaround is to use the Applications folder, or Launchpad to find the app I want to use.
Why Does Spotlight Search Break?
Spotlight Events Dance
Spotlight will sometimes fail due to bugs in the macOS. On the initial launch of If you're experiencing this frequently, you should submit a bug to Apple at
Explain what happened, and they will follow up with you, and the bug will get fixed, rather than never getting fixed!
I submitted a bug #31646293, 'Spotlight loses index for apps that are updated from App Store,' on April 15th 2017, and Apple fixed it on July 11th 2017 (duplicate of bug #24109163).

Evernote Spotlight Search
I worked at Apple in the past, and they do read your bug reports, and they do fix issues when they know the problem exists.
Pro Spotlight Tip: Type Less
You can change the default search result if you start typing the first few letters, and then select the option you want with the arrow keys (or the mouse).
The next time you start typing 'Terminal' stop with the first three letters: 'Ter'. Try it:

- Open Spotlight from the top right corner icon (
) - Start typing 'Ter' (add more letters if you don't see Terminal in the list)
- Select Terminal
Now you've 're-trained' Spotlight for showing Terminal as the first result for 'Ter'.
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